DuHai Aki Ballet Academy主宰
1989年北京ダンスアカデミーに入学。1996年 Le Jeune Ballet de Franceから全額奨学金を受け招待され踊る。卒業後2002年まで中国国立バレエ団に所属。
現在は、DuHai Aki Ballet Academy主宰。2019年インターナショナルダンスフェスティバル開催。
2006年より中国のスーチョウバレエ劇場に所属。2008年から2013年NBAバレエ団を経て、現在はフリーのゲストアーティストとして活躍。主なレパートリーとして、「Les Biches」、「真夏の夜の夢」のライサンダー、「くるみ割り人形」の王子、「ラ・フィユ・マル・ガルデ」のコーラス/アラン、「ラ・バヤデール」のソロル、「白鳥の湖」のジークフリート王子、「眠れる森の美女」のフロリムント王子/ブルーバード、「ジゼル」のアルブレヒト、「ドン・キホーテ」のバジル、「コッペリア」のフランツ、「ゼンツァーノの花祭り」、「ライモンダ」のジャン・ド・ブリエンヌ、他。
©Simon Maynard
刈谷 円香
仙台市出身。5歳からクラシックバレエを始める。2009年Youth America Grand Prix ニューヨーク決選にてシニアの部、銀賞とスカラーシップ賞受賞。16歳の時にドイツのダンス学校パルッカシューレドレスデンに入学し、3年後卒業と共にバッチェラーオブアートを取得。2012年スイスのチューリッヒバレエ団ジュニアに入団。2014年から3年間ネザーランドダンスシアター2(NDT2)に所属。2017年NDT1へ昇格入団。
2021年故郷の宮城県より芸術選奨新人賞を受賞。 現在はNDTでの活動に加え様々なアーティストとのコラボレーション、ミュージックビデオ出演やモデルとしても幅広く活動中。
栗橋 桂子
桑原 智昭
Yasmine NAGHDI
ロンドン生まれ。ロイヤル・バレエ・スクール在学中2009 年に「ヤング ブリティッシュ ダンサー オブ ザ イヤー」で優勝、2018 年には批評家サークルナショナルダンスでは最優秀女性ダンサーにノミネートされる。
主要な役は、オデット/オディール (白鳥の湖)、オーロラ姫 (眠れる森の美女)、ジュリエット (ロミオとジュリエット)、タチアナ(オネーギン)、ジゼル、シンデレラ、キトリ (ドン・キホーテ)、ガムザッティ (ラ・バヤデール)、スワニルダ (コッペリア)、シュガー・プラム・フェアリー (くるみ割り人形)、ファイアーバード (火の鳥)、テレプシコーレ (アポロ))、ヤング・ガール (二羽の鳩)、ストップ・タイム・ラグとベテナ/コンサート・ワルツ (エリート・シンコペーション)、バランシンのジュエルズ、そしてウェイン・マクレガーとクリストファー・ウィールドン作品、ズケッティの『プリマ』では彼女の役が作られる。
中村 道子
仙台シティバレエにてバレエを始め、今村昌子、金井利久に師事。第27回東京新聞主催全国舞踊コンクールジュニア部門第2位銀賞受賞。英国ロイヤルバレエスクール上級学校にてマリオン・レイン、リン・ウォリス他に師事。在学中にデンマーク王立バレエ団 ニニ・タィラード女史の下デンマーク、ドイツ公演に参加。フランク曲「シンフォニック・ヴァリエーション」、ブルノンビル「ナポリ」等で主演。卒業後、1976年モナコにてスーザン・デュブルイユに師事。帰国後、東京シティバレエ団に入団。ファーストソリストとして松山バレエ団に移籍。退団まで同バレエ団の全公演に出演。バランシン作「アレグロ・ブリランテ」「セレナーデ」のプリンシパル、ルドルフ・ヌレエフ来日公演での「白鳥の湖」で王子の友人等で好評を得る。1988年より後進の指導に当たり、1996年、東京に本部を置くカンパニー・ボナテラを設立し、宮城、滋賀、愛知に同バレエスタジオを展開。ディレクターとして演出、振付、指導を行い、全国コンクールに於いて優秀指導者賞、指導者特別賞等、多数受賞。昭和女子大学公開講座監修(1988~2009)。ロンドンスタジオセンター(英国L.S.C.)留学生オーディション日本審査員を長く務める。全国伊達クラシックバレエコンペティション副実行委員長、審査員。
英国ロイヤルバレエスクール、オーストラリアンバレエスクールの両校を名実共に世界のトップスクールに育てた故ゲイリーン・ストック女史を記念したGailene Stock Memorial Awardを2016年に発足し、毎年インテンシヴを開催。ディレクター及びアワード審査員として、将来インターナショナルな活躍が出来るよう、ジュニアの生徒達を応援している。
西島 勇人
Bright Step主宰
Prix du Japonに出場しGoh Ballet Academyのスカラーシップ賞を受賞。その後、カナダのGoh Ballet Academyサマーコースに参加し、Anna-Marie Holmesに師事。
2015年、大怪我の経験から、バレエを通して夢や目標に向かう原動力にという願いを込めて、海外の第一線で活躍するダンサーを集め「Bright Step」を立ち上げる。毎年夏にクラウドファンディングで資金を募り公演とワークショップを開催している。
2021年に日本へ帰国し、ジュニアの育成や公演出演など活動の場所を日本へ移す。同年Bright Stepとして初めて東京・大阪の2都市開催を果たす。
2022年にはBright Stepとして初めて札幌公演を開催。
西島 数博
演出・振付家 俳優
2023年 芸術監督・審査委員長
英国ロイヤルバレエ団ゲスト教師 他、各国の名門バレエスクール、バレエ団のゲスト教師として国際的に活躍。
日本では、Gailene Stock Memorial Award のアーティスティックアドヴァイザー/審査委員長を務めている。
英国ロイヤルバレエスクールに於いて、ホワイトロッジからアッパースクールへ進み、ロイヤルバレエ団に入団。フレデリック・アシュトン作品の「二羽の鳩」の若者、「レ・パティヌール」のブルーボーイ、「ラ・フィユ・マル・ガルデ (リーズの結婚)」のコーラス、ジェローム・ロビンスの「牧神の午後」、その他にジョージ・バランシン、ケネス・マクミラン、ウィリアム・フォーサイス等の作品の主要な役をレパートリーとした。カナダ国立バレエ団、パシフィックノースウェストバレエ団、 ブリティッシュバレエコロンビア、イングリッシュナショナルバレエ団とも共演している。
舞台引退後は、アンカラ州立バレエ団とシンガポールダンスシアターでバレエマスターを務め、これに続いて、 ロイヤルバレエスクール校長のゲイリーン・ストックの熱い信頼を受け 2014 年に退任するまで、RBSアッパースクー ルで15 年間主任を務めた。その間、卒業した多くの生徒達は現在世界各国のバレエ団のプリンシパルダンサー、ソリスト、及び指導者として活躍中である。
ロイヤルバレエスクール プレプロフェッショナルプログラムコーチ
ローザンヌ国際バレエコンクールでファイナリストとなり、1991年ヴァルナ国際バレエコンクールで銀メダルを獲得。パリ・オペラ座バレエ団に入団し、1993 年のヨーロピアン ヤング ダンサー コンペティションで金メダル、1994 年のジャクソン国際バレエ コンペティションでも金メダルを受賞。
1994年にロイヤル・バレエ団にファースト・アーティストとして入団、2001年にプリンシパルに昇進。オデット/オディール(白鳥の湖)、マルグリット(マルグリットとアルマンド)、マノン、ナタリア・ペトロヴナ(田舎のひと月)、バランシン作品、ロビンス作品のプリンシパルなどを踊る。振付家クリストファー・ウィールドンは『不思議の国のアリス』のハートの女王役、『冬物語』のパウリナ役を彼女の為に作った。また、ウィル・タケットの 『エリザベス』では 、批評家ダンス賞で最優秀ダンサー賞を受賞。
現在は数多くの国際的なダンスカンパニーで教え、2021年からはロイヤルバレエスクール プレプロフェッショナルプログラムのコーチを務めている。プリ・ド・ローザンヌの審査員を務める。
2023 Head of jury/Artistic director
David was trained at The Royal Ballet School from the age of 13 and subsequently joined The Royal Ballet Company becoming a Senior Soloist where he danced many principal roles, amongst his extensive repertoire were The Young Man in The Two Pigeons, Symphonic Variations, Afternoon of a Faun, Blue boy in Les Patinuers, The Bluebird in The Sleeping Beauty. Colas, La Fille mal Gardee, Franz in Coppelia. Pas de Trois in Glen Tetley’s Voluntaries. He also performed with the National Ballet of Canada as a 1st soloist, Pacific Northwest Ballet, British Ballet Columbia and English National Ballet. David has had roles created on him by Ashton, MacMillan, Lubovitch, Canniparoli, Deane, Corder, Page to name a few. After retiring from the stage David successfully gained distinction from The Royal Academy’s Professional dancers teaching course. David worked as Ballet Master for the Ankara State Ballet Company and Singapore Dance Theatre. He guest teaches for The English National Ballet Company as well as teaching and judging internationally. An experienced teacher, until as recent as December 2014 David taught all levels at The Royal Ballet Upper School, primarily responsible for the second year boys. He has staged Les Patinuers and Concerto for The Royal Ballet School’s annual performances as well as being instrumental in rehearsing many of their performances throughout the years. He has now embarked on an international freelance career. Artistic advisor for GSMA.
Japanese dancer Fumi Kaneko is a Principal of The Royal Ballet. She joined the Company during the 2010/11 Season and was promoted to First Artist in 2012, Soloist in 2013, First Soloist in 2018, and Principal, 2021.
Kaneko trained at the Jinushi Kaoru Ballet School, Osaka. She won gold medal at the Varna International Ballet Competition, 2008, and silver medals at the Moscow International Ballet Competition, 2009, and the USA International Ballet Competition, 2010. That year she joined the Jinushi Kaoru Ballet Company, where her roles included Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy (The Nutcracker) and Kitri (Don Quixote).
Kaneko’s repertory with The Royal Ballet includes Odette/Odile, Juliet, Kitri, Sugar Plum Fairy, Princess Aurora and Lilac Fairy (The Sleeping Beauty), Gypsy Girl (The Two Pigeons), Myrtha (Giselle), pas d’action (Prince of the Pagodas), Odette/Odile (Swan Lake), Cinderella and Fairy Godmother (Cinderella), Countess Larisch and Mitzi Caspar (Mayerling), Hermione (The Winter's Tale), Polyhymnia (Apollo), Mama Elena (Like Water for Chocolate), third moment (Concerto) and roles in Viscera, The Four Temperaments, Sweet Violets, Limen, Infra, ‘Diana and Actaeon’ (Metamorphosis: Titian 2012), Woolf Works, Asphodel Meadows, Corybantic Games, Symphony in C, Medusa, Dances at a Gathering, Within the Golden Hour, After the Rain, In Our Wishes and Scènes de ballet. She created roles including The Dante Project, Prima, Dispatch Duet and Untitled, 2023.https://www.roh.org.uk/people/fumi-kaneko
Russian dancer Vadim Muntagirov is a Principal of The Royal Ballet. He trained at The Royal Ballet Upper School and joined the Company from English National Ballet as a Principal in March 2014. His roles with the Company include Basilio (Don Quixote), Albrecht (Giselle), Prince Siegfried (Swan Lake), Aminta (Sylvia), Prince Florimund (The Sleeping Beauty), The Prince (Cinderella), Crown Prince Rudolf (Mayerling), Prince (The Nutcracker), Colas (La Fille mal gardée), Franz (Coppélia), Apollo, the Girl’s Cousin (The Invitation), Young Man (Two Pigeons), Onegin and Lensky (Onegin), Romeo (Romeo and Juliet), Des Grieux (Manon), Jack/Knave of Hearts (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland), Florizel (The Winter’s Tale), Don José (Carmen), Lt Colonel Vershinin (Winter Dreams), Beliaev (A Month in the Country) and in The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude, ‘Diamonds’ (Jewels), The Human Seasons, Symphonic Variations, Asphodel Meadows, The Four Temperaments, For Four, Afternoon of a Faun, Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux, Raymonda Act III and Within the Golden Hour.
Muntagirov was born in Chelyabinsk, the son of two dancers. He trained at Perm Ballet School before moving to The Royal Ballet Upper School. He graduated into English National Ballet in 2009, promoted to first soloist in 2010, principal in 2011 and lead principal in 2012. His roles with ENB included Apollo, Conrad (Le Corsaire), Albrecht (Giselle), Prince (Cinderella), Prince Siegfried (Swan Lake in-the-round at the Royal Albert Hall), Prince Désiré (The Sleeping Beauty) and roles in Song of a Wayfarer. He created the role of Prince in Wayne Eagling’s The Nutcracker.
Muntagirov’s awards include the 2011 Outstanding Male Performance (Classical), 2015 and 2018 Best Male Dancer at the Critics’ Circle National Dance Awards, the 2013 and 2018 Benois de la danse and the 2021 Dance Europe Outstanding Dancer Award. As a guest artist he has danced with such companies including Paris Opera Ballet, Mariinsky and American Ballet Theatre, in repertory including Solor (La Bayadère), Armand (Marguerite and Armand) and at National Ballet of Japan, Bavarian State Ballet, Mikhailovsky and Cape Town City Ballet.https://www.roh.org.uk/people/vadim-muntagirov
(In alphabetical order)
Hawkes was born in London and started dancing at the age of 3. He was a junior associate before entering full time training at The Royal Ballet School (White Lodge). At the age of 16, he joined Elmhurst Ballet School in Birmingham and performed various roles as a student with both companies, including roles in the Nutcracker, Prince of the Pagodas, Sleeping Beauty, Romeo and Juliet and the Rite of Spring. He joined the Suzhou Ballet Theatre in China in 2006. From 2008 to 2013, he was a member of the NBA Ballet Company in Japan. He is currently a freelance guest artist. His repertoire includes roles such as Les Biches, Lysander (Midsummer Night’s Dream), Prince (The Nutcracker), Albrecht (Giselle), Prince (Cinderella), Chorus/Alain (La Fille Mal Gardée), Solor (La Bayadère), Prince Siegfried (Swan Lake), Prince Florimund/Bluebird (The Sleeping Beauty), Albrecht (Giselle), Basil (Don Quixote), Franz (Coppélia), and Flower Festival in Genzano, Jean de Brienne (Raymonda), etc.
©Simon Maynard
Born in Sendai City, she began studying classical ballet at the age of 5. In 2009, she received the Silver Prize and Scholarship Award in the Senior division at the Youth America Grand Prix New York Final. At the age of 16, she entered the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden, a dance school in Germany, and graduated three years later with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She joined the Junior Company of the Zurich Ballet in Switzerland in 2012. From 2014 to 2017, she was a member of Netherlands Dance Theater 2 (NDT2) and she was promoted to NDT1 in 2017.
Until now, she has performed numerous works by choreographers such as Jirí Kylián, Sol León & Paul Lightfoot, Marco Goecke, Crystal Pite, Medhi Walerski, Ohad Naharin, William Forsythe, Sharon Eyal, Damien Jalet, and Hofesh Shechter, participating in many of the company’s world tours. In 2021, she received the Arts Encouragement Award for New Artists from Miyagi Prefecture, her hometown. Currently, in addition to activities with NDT, she is engaged in various collaborations with artists, appearing in music videos, and working as a model.
In 1961, she entered The Tokyo Ballet School and taught by Abe Chie, Hideaki Kitahara, Messerer, and Tarasova. During her time at The Tchaikovsky Memorial Tokyo Ballet (1966-1989), she participated in the world ballet festivals since its first performance abroad, and performed Cinderella, Giselle, Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, La Bayadere, Marimo, Tam-tam, La Sylphide, Paquita. From 1977 to 1984, she danced Odette in Swan Lake Rookie Performance, Princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty, Maurice Béjart’s choreography, and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. From 1989 to 2004, she performed Giselle, choreographed by Peter Wright, Coppelia and The Nutcracker with Star Dancers Ballet.
In 1972, she opened Keiko Kurihashi Ballet Studio, became a member of the Setagaya Classical Ballet Federation in 1996. She became a member of Japan Ballet Association in 2013. From 2008 to 2015, she was a jury of the ballet competitions. In 2018, she received the 1st place Special Outstanding Instructor Award in NBA Ballet Competition, and the Japan Ballet Association Dance Culture Achievement Award. In 2021, she instructed Maurice Béjart’s works at The Tchaikovsky Memorial Tokyo Ballet.
2023 MJBC Little Bird Artistic Supervisor
She started to learn ballet in the Sendai City Ballet Institute where she won the silver prize in the 27th All Nippon Ballet Competition organized by Tokyo News Paper Company in the junior category. Studied under Marion Lane, Lynn Wallis and others at The Royal Ballet Upper School in England. While at school, she participated in performances in Denmark and Germany with The Royal Danish Ballet under Ms. Nini Theilade. She starred in Frank’s “Symphonic Variations”, Bournonville’s “Napoli”, etc. After graduating from The Royal Ballet School, she studied under Susan Dubreuil in Monaco in 1976.
After returning to Japan, she joined the Tokyo City Ballet, and she moved to the Matsuyama Ballet as first soloist. She performed in all of the company’s performances until her retirement. She won acclaim as principal in Balanchine’s “Allegro Brillante” and “Serenade”, and as the Prince’s friend in “Swan Lake” during Rudolf Nureyev’s tour in Japan. Since 1988, she has been teaching younger dancers and in 1996 she founded Company Bona Terra, which has ballet studios in Tokyo, Miyagi, Shiga and Aichi. As director, she directs, choreographs and teaches, and has received many awards, including the Outstanding Teacher Award and the Special Teacher Award at competitions across Japan.
She was a supervisor of public lectures at Showa Women’s University (1988-2009). She served as a jury of international student auditions for London Studio Centre Audition in Japan. She is a vice chairperson of All Nippon D.A.T.E. Classic Ballet Competition, and a jury member. In 2016, she inaugurated Gailene Stock Memorial Award (GSMA) and holds an annual intensive to commemorate late Gailene Stock CBE AM, who led both the Royal Ballet School and the Australian Ballet School and devoted her life for educating young dancers. As director and jury of GSMA, she supports junior students to prepare them for their future international careers.
He started to learn ballet at Date Ballet School in Miyazaki from the age of 3. After winning the first prize in an international competition in France, he lived in Paris and appeared in more than 100 performance tours in several European countries.
After returning to Japan, he danced Peter Wright’s “Coppelia, Giselle, the Nutcracker", and the ballet “Dragon Quest” at the Star Dancers Ballet Company. He has performed in works by world-renowned choreographers such as Balanchine, Robbins, and Forsyth. He has been active internationally, participating in the San Francisco Ballet International Festival as a representative of Japan and starring in the Shanghai Ballet’s Japan-China friendship performance. He also danced as a guest principal at the Japan Ballet Association and the New National Theater Ballet. Since appearing in the TV drama “Ikebukuro West Gate Park”, he has also been active in the entertainment world. He starred in the movie “Runin” which won the Grand Prix at the American Film Festival. He appeared in many TV programs such as “Waratte iitomo” and “Tetsuko no heya”. In addition to dancing the bolero and acting as MC for Shuichiro Koike’s “Jean Cocteau Fallen Angel’s Love”, musical play “Soldier’s Story”, Isao Yukisada’s “Unknown Woman’s Letter”, and “Jill Bester Concert”, Broadway musicals and Osamu Tezuka’s original stage etc. He became the artistic director of the new project “Japan Dance Innovation” and presented a large number of works. “Dramatic Kojiki” series, which premiered in Miyazaki, has been performed for two consecutive years with a full orchestra at the New National Theater Opera Palace. In recent years, he has collaborated with various artists such as fashion designer Junko Koshino, shamisen player Kenichi Yoshida, and guitarist SUGIZO. He is a multi-talented dance artist who is constantly making strides as a director and choreographer.
Jury members are subject to change.